30 Minutes
$ Consultation Required

BELKYRA® (deoxycholic acid) injection also known as KYBELLA® in the United States is the first and only FDA/Health Canada-approved injectable treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”.

The active ingredient in BELKYRA® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, BELKYRA® causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

The Physicians and Staff at Phoenix Medical Spa will assist you in developing a plan on how many treatments you need. Once the desired aesthetic response is achieved with BELKYRA®, retreatment is not expected. Many patients experience visible results in 2 to 4 treatment sessions. Up to 6 treatment sessions may be administered spaced no less than one month apart.

Before & Afters


What is Belkyra?
Belkyra is an FDA/Health Canada approved injectable, used to decrease and eliminate and submental fat that hangs below the chin. This fat sometimes referred to as a “double chin”.

How does Belkyra work?
Belkyra (Keoxycholic acid) is a manmade form of Deoxycholic acid, a substance your body naturally creates to absorb fat. Belkyra works by dissolving fat cells in the targeted areas where it is injected.

What areas can be treated with Belkyra?
Belkyra is an FDA approved to decrease the submental fat below the chin.

Are you a good candidate for Belkyra?
A good candidate for Belkyra is one who is in good health, understands the procedure and who has realistic expectations for the treatments end results.

Is Belkyra painful?
Belkyra is not considered to be particularly painful. However, ice is used prior and post treatment.

How is a Belkyra performed?
After the Physician discusses your personal treatment goals. A series of small injections will be administered. The number of injections varies from patient to patient. However, the majority of patients receive 20-30 injections per treatment.

How long does Belkyra take?
Before beginning a treatment of Belkyra the Physician will perform a quick facial analysis to determine your treatment goals. Once your goals are established, the actual procedure takes about 30 minutes (injections 5 minutes).

What should you expect your Belkyra recovery to look like?
After receiving Belkyra, the chin may be swollen with slight redness and possible bruising. However, these symptoms will diminish during the first week.

How soon can you see the results of Belkyra?
Results are not immediate; however, many patients report an improvement in their submental fat after 3 weeks post treatment and 1-2 treatments.

How long will the results from Belkyra last?
The results of Belkyra are permanent!

What are the risks of Belkyra?
Belkyra is a safe and effective treatment of submental fat. However, the risks associated with Belkyra include: bleeding, difficulty swallowing, and temporary numbness to occur.

Who should NOT do Belkyra?
Patients who are in poor health or who have a history of bleeding disorders should not do Belkyra. While Belkyra is beneficial for the majority of patients, it may not be suitable for those with excess skin or scar tissue below their chin and jawline. Also patients who are pregnant, nursing or hoping to become pregnant should avoid using Belkyra.

*Individual Results May Vary

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